
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TransactionAssociationType
Physical Name : CO_TRN_ASCTN

Retailer defined type of relationship, that is recorded between two transactions. Example values include: Suspend/Resume, Audit Correction, etc...

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionAssociationTypeCode (PK) A retailer assigned code denoting the kind of relationship between two Transactions. CD_TYP_TRN_ASCTN Code4 char(4)
TransactionAssociationTypeName The common name for the retailer assigned code denoting the kind of relationship between two Transactions. NM_TYP_TRN_ASCTN Name varchar(40)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
TransactionAssociationType defines TransactionAssociation

Logical Views containing TransactionAssociationType

Logical View
Logical 02200 - Transaction Macro View
Logical 02300 - Retail Transaction - Macro View
Logical 02305 - Retail Transaction - Header View